Advice for a long hike travel in SA


We are 2 french coming soon in SA, we are looking for some information about hiking in your country

We are use to do multi-day hikes, on mountains, with backpack etc…

We are wondering if it’s possible do to some hikes by ourselves cause we see a lot of reviews from hikers doing them with a guide and groups
(and it’s not really our stuff, we prefer to be free to change our plans or to spend more time in a place if we decide to…)
And we love to camp into the wild, not necessary on campsites (is it possible in national park ?)

We plan to travel with no car, use public transport and hike a lot with no guides (we’ll have maps, gps and all the gears to camp)

We are going to stay 2 months, so we have time to travel slowly

Do you think it will be possible to do ? Or are we totally wrong ? Somes hikes looks pretty easy to do without guides (or is it for safety from other mens ?)

Thanks for all the recommandations or advices you could give us !

Man and woman, 2 woman…?
Makes a difference regarding security.

When are you planning to come?
People can advise on seasonal differences.

Yes it is. In the Western Cape you can try out the Cederberg, lots of info on this website about that.
In KwaZulu Natal the Drakensberg is the premier hiking destination. See here:

On this website you can research various hikes by province by navigating “Back to main site” and then clicking on the “Trails” drop down menu…
or…Trails Archives - Hiking South Africa

I do not recommend this. Our public transport is nothing like Europe’s. You will struggle getting to your destinations, you’ll be dropped off in strange places, sometimes at night. You will then need to hitchhike (not safe) or use shuttles etc and get ripped off. You will, ultimately, waste a lot of time and be at high risk, often. Because you will look like foreigners you may be a target. Although, people might also feel to help you and you’ll have a wonderful African experience…but I do not recommend this. For the periods you intend on hiking rent a car.
(In the end you might find renting a car is better for you as the costs of shuttles and the inconvenience of public transport eats into your holiday and budget too much)

Best maps are (paper and digital):

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