Hi, we looking for one person to join our group. We were three hikers but one guy pulled out. We need three hikers at least. Whatsapp me 076 610 7659
Hi Dean,
What would the cost be.
What are your travel arrangements? from where are you going?
You can contact me on dou.weich@gmail.com
Im starting down the Canyon on the 9th May my booking was postponed from 2020, and now 5 have dropped out. So Rather than start a new thread Im piggy backing on this if anyones interested in an earlier date.
The Hike Cost is: N535 pp,
- Conservation fee N80pp
- Transport from AisAis to the start N360pp
- Accommodation you need
Descend 9th May, 5 days 4 nights, finish 13th
Yeah, I have another person drop out so im down to myself so need two.
Oh well I’m just praying
Oh the frustration!
Dean (timing aside) you can always ask Anny if she has anyone looking for 3 places, and buy your spots then join me - Ive got 7 spots and am looking for 4 at present.
Who is Andy?
Anny Halwoodii is the bookings lady for Fishriver isn’t she?
No Idea who Andy is though - well not your Andy!
Sorry i meant Anny
Whats Anny’s email address?
Anny Halwoodi
Pinnacle Building, Burg Street
PO Box
Tel: +27 21 422 3761
Fax: +27 21 422 5148
E-mail: AHalwoodi@nwr.com.na
Web: www.nwr.com.na