Group Trekking Expedition

Greetings hiking enthusiasts! I am looking to do a 3-4 day hike in the Drakensberg region sometime between now and end of March 2022. Hoping to find a tour operator who is willing to help with navigation and local insights. Also hoping to find some travel companions who would be interested in joining and helping drive down the per person cost, since I am on a bit of a budget. Please let me know if this is of interest (either from the guide or companion perspective), or if you have any other suggests to help me fulfill my quest to fully experience these Dragon Mountains!

Hi @thesynthline
Where are you based?

Maybe also look into whether any of the MCSA Sections have a hike-plan up their sleeves.


Thanks for suggesting MCSA. They don’t have any upcoming events listed on their website but I shot them an email inquiry.

Hi @thesynthline

Another option is to go check out as it contains a wealth of information about Drakensberg hiking.

Here you will find GPS downloads for passes,camping spots, caves, trip done by hikers etc. There is a also a thread for up and coming hikes where people post planned hikes etc.

If you need all the gear etc. then a tour operator is probably the way to go, but if you are feeling adventurous and want to explore the Berg with your own gear then look on VE, there’s enough information to keep you busy for a while.

Happy to also assist you if you require more detail about specific areas, routes, where to sleep, where to find shelter etc. Just send me a PM :slight_smile:

Hi @thesynthline

Where are you going to be coming from? Gauteng? Are you wanting porters and so on to help carry your stuff, or are you just looking for someone to help with navigation?

Coming from Durban. No porters but we do need gear and assistance with navigation (I’ve heard trails are not always clearly marked).

Thanks for pointing us to VE - I think there is plenty of information here to keep us busy with our research so we can make some well-informed decisions, even if we do go with a tour operator. My wife and I are living in South Africa temporarily and did not bring any of our camping or trekking gear so I think we are going to try and rent as much as possible. I appreciate the invitation to message you directly and will reach out if we have any specific questions during our planning phase. Likely going for a multiday hike in late March, I think.