Java Junkie Alert

I will cut my toothbrush in half and leave my extra socks to ensure I can take my Aeropress :joy:

Iā€™m quite a coffee ā€œnerdā€ so a proper brewed cup is essential. You canā€™t get much better than a properly brewed Aeropressā€¦

The plunger allows for storing a decent amount of ā€œpre-grindā€ coffee and using a metal filter (bought separately" solves the filter paper issue. Cleanup is also easy, pop out the coffee puck and your done, no washing needed. Itā€™s also virtually indestructible and will last you a lifetime.

The Aeropress Mini recently launched, itā€™s a bit more compact than the normal Aeropress.


Arno Ive got one too They need a finer mesh or a filter paper or an espresso ground.

I find that if you put the grounds into a cup first then add about as much water as coffee grounds to saturate the coffee before adding to the X-Brew it works quite well.
if using filter paper ensure you spoon the grinds into the water as the water drains.

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The different coffee machines require different grind particle size for best results. Aero press is designed for an Espresso style grind. and espresso sized shot. if done quickly as per the instructions yields a really great cup of espresso.
The Mocca pots can be quite light again using an espresso grind. The secret here is a slower heat than usually obtained with a gas stove.
the X-Brew style pour over as Arno pointed out is great, but really needs a finer mesh for a heavier drip style coffee - I find a filter paper works quite well. Currently this is my personal favourite camping cup, because it is so light, but unless youā€™re going to pour really slowly you need filter papers.

Its amazing the difference a coffee tastes with the appropriate sized grind. (One of the reasons I like Peacock coffee shops is that theyā€™ll grind your favourite bean to the size you ask for.)

My new favourite, single-serving coffee brewing option is the GSI Java Filter #4: GSI Reusable Java Filter #4 - Drifters Adventure Centre

Weighs next to nothing and because is not rigid, I just pack in my pot, along with all my other cooking gear, ready for my next cuppa :smiley: :+1:


Got to weigh in with my new Camping favourite - the only negative is it needs to be stored somewhere safely in the rucksack, and Ive found it can be clipped inside a coffee mug to protect the mesh from getting damaged:

And itā€™s proudly South African!