Two to three day hike in the cederberg?

Hi there, this is my first post/inquiry. Does anyone have any suggestions of a hike that is well away from roads, cities or any other civilisation in the cederberg? Huts are also not necessary. Camping and hiking max 10-12km per day. Any suggestions with a clear map of the trail are very very welcome.

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Climb Tafelberg. Stay overnight on the way up in one or both of the caves and enjoy!!!


What Katie said :wink::+1: Both Welbedacht Cave and Spout Cave (Tafelberg) are great and the “Sundowner Deck” at Spout Cave is 5-star! Water can be an issue at Spout Cave, so carry extra from Welbedacht.

Another option is Uitkyk Pass to Sneeuberg Hut. From Sneeuberg hut you can go for day walks to the Maltese Cross and Sneeuberg Peak.

I would suggest getting the Slingsby Hiking Map set for the Cederberg (2 maps) which gives you a very detailed (50000:1 scale) overview of the whole of the Cederberg and all it’s trails.

Here’s a link to Google Earth maps of both those trails: Google Earth maps – Google Drive


Thank you so much Katie and Arno for these recommendations. When last did anyone do these trails? Arno thank you for the Google earth maps. Do we need permits for either of the hikes? In terms of navigation it is safe to leave the cars there and do a round trip of either of the routes?

@brigitte How was your hike? Where did you end up going?

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I never thought that was even possible!!