Upcoming hikes: Buddy-up or Tag-along

Good day all.

I wanted to use the example I’ve seen elsewhere to create a thread where people can find partners for upcoming hikes.

Often hikes are cancelled as some folks drop out, for their reasons, leaving one stranded with leave taken and preperations made. Or you’re just looking for someone in your area who’s keen and freed up.

Of course, all arrangements are private and particular but I reckon it’s best to start from the assumption that you’ll contribute fairly (petrol, fees etc), that you’ll self-support and that you’ll not treat this as an opportunity to make bob off folks.

It might also enrich the community.

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To that end…

My Cathedral Peak (Cockade and Organ Pipes) hike is in in tatters. The aim was for the weekend between the 18th and 22nd November. If anyone’s planning to scoot down to CP, or Berg in general, over that weekend please let me know.


I’ve always wanted to to do CP. are you looking for someone to join you , or replace you?
082 469 6666

Hi dou

So I was looking for someone to join me. But these dates are no longer feasible as I now have stitches on my knee and my back…no mountains and no backpacks either.

In the future perhaps?

Maybe early Dec or next year?

Alternatively look at this…

(I did have a conversation with Beanie and Stuart. They seem pleasant.)