Where can I get a quilt in South Africa?

RADBAG appear to sell a quilt, though they call it a sleeping bag. - RADBAG Snug - Premium Quality Down Sleeping Bag - Info is a little vague on it though.

I also always struggled to get comfortable in a sleeping bag. Moving to a quilt was a great change.

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Try Hex River Down, I spoke to Annemien there and they were experimenting with a quilt. Sent me pics. Their down is top quality.

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Thanks @calypso and @Carl :blush: I looked into the Radbag option and interestingly it’s a collaboration between Radbag and Hexriver Down! I’ll report back once I’ve made a decision. It’s great to see local options growing but we really need to get more reviews out there.

They may very well be made by Hexriver.
I wish they showed some pics of the back of it.

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Yup, and a video would be great too. While reasonably priced it’s still a lot of money and I like having as much info as possible to help me decide.

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Did you come right in the end? While it’s nice to support local, its hard when companies are so vague. One doesn’t have any idea what the bags covering is made out of, nor any option to change that or the colour. You can see it’s 850FP down but no options to upgrade or have a hydrophobic option.
I mean, they don’t even post proper pictures of the quilt (which they call a sleeping bag). If people like https://cumulus.equipment/ can do it, then local guys can too.

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My friend Hannes has one of these and he loves it

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I ended up going for the First Ascent compact down. It’s very toasty when used inside my Radbag bivvy and paired with a good sleeping pad. It definitely won’t hold up in very cold conditions, so will keep my Icebreaker sleeping bag for that.

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